Online Zoom Meeting
On the first Friday of every month, Lam Family College of Business graduate students, staff, faculty, and alumni are invited to this informal social and educational event.
Please join us for all or part of the evening.

Speaker: Pete Schott, Director of Product Marketing, Zenput
Topic: Real stories about product marketing, start ups, and acquisitions
Pete is the director of product marketing at Zenput, a San Francisco-based tech startup focused on restaurant operations and food safety. He's held product marketing roles with brands including Bizo, LinkedIn, PlanGrid, and Autodesk, and has gone through three acquisitions. He graduated from SF State in 2009 with a BA in international business and lives in El Cerrito, CA with his wife and dog.
Please register to attend this event.
The Lam Family College of Business welcomes persons with disabilities and will provide reasonable accommodations upon request. If you would like reasonable accommodations for this event, please contact Sanjit Sengupta at as soon as possible so your request may be reviewed.