Gerardo Ungson, Ph.D.
Faculty Spotlight:
Retired Professor Gerardo "Buddy" Ungson is deeply inspired by global experiences in both research and teaching. His formative years in the Philippines were a catalyst for his focus on international business, and his former position as Y.F. Chang Endowed Chair at the Lam Family College of Business (LFCoB) furthered Ungson’s deep exploration of his field as it relates to development across the world.
As former Endowed Chair, Ungson addressed four self-selected goals: sustaining an active research agenda; undertaking key roles in service; enhancing interdisciplinary research by involving other departments; and developing a center for research, learning, and engagement. “I still have some unrealized goals that I will achieve in the not-too-distant future,” he says. “I am deeply appreciative of the support provided by Chairman Chang.”
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Gerardo R. Ungson was the Y.F. Chang Endowed Chair and Professor of International Business. He was also a Non-Resident Senior Resident Fellow with CEIBS-IEMS (China European International Business School Institute for Emerging Market Studies), headquartered in Shanghai. His most recent research covers strategies in emerging and developing markets, poverty alleviation, ecological labelling, and website characteristics. He has co-authored nine books, including Rough Diamonds: For Successful Traits of Breakout Firms in BRIC (with Seung Ho Park and Nan Zhou) published in 2013 that was awarded the 2013 Best Book on Globalization by the Strategy + Business Journal. His most recent book on emerging markets, co-authored with Seung Ho Park and Andrew Cosgrove, Scaling the Tail: Profitable Growth in Emerging Markets, was published by Palgrave- MacMillan in 2015. The third part of the book-series, ASEAN Champions: Stalwarts of Regional Integration, co-authored with Seung Ho Park and Jamil Paolo Francisco will be published by Cambridge University Press in 2017. Since 2005, he has been working with Dr. Sixto K. Roxas on the transformation of communities and its impact on global poverty and ecological degradation.
- B.S. in Management Engineering, Ateneo University, Philippines
- M.B.A in Management, Pennsylvania State University
- Ph.D. in Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests:
- Strategies in Emerging Markets
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Poverty Alleviation
- Economics of Underdevelopment
Main Theoretical Focus:
- Strategic Management
- Development Economics
- Institutional Theory
Area Specialty: