Professor John Logan Quoted by Major News Outlets in Various Union-Related News Stories

Author: LFCoB
April 30, 2024

Department Chair and Professor of Labor and Employment Studies John Logan addressed the topics around union victories and contracts, and anti-union initiatives in the news stories published by CBS News, Yahoo Finance, The Washington Post, and others.

According to a news story on CBS News, Volkswagen workers voted to join the United Auto Workers (UAW), breaking a long-standing resistance to unionization in the region. Logan maintains that in Volkswagen’s case, the UAW's efforts have encountered less vigorous resistance than those seen with other business organizations. For instance, "Mercedes is running a much more aggressive anti-union campaign than Volkswagen within the plant," said Logan.

Logan spoke to Yahoo Finance about the anti-union initiatives, asserting "Starbucks was trying to weaken one of the key enforcement mechanisms for the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), an obvious conflict with an attempted detente with organized labor."

Read the full news stories by visiting the links below: